Privacy Policy

According to the data protection act of General Regulation (UE) 2016/679 on data protection and Organic Law 3/2018 on data protection and digital rights guarantees, we inform you that personal data given via the forms, and likewise your e-mail address have been included in our file titled CAL MALENDRES, S.L. [hereafter, CASES DE PRADES], at the business address of: C/ RAFAEL CASANOVAS. 17 – 43204 REUS, NIF B43690130, is responsible for the management and functioning of the Web previously mentioned.

We inform you that the data may be processed for the purpose of providing information about our products and / or services by electronic means, provided that you authorise us to process them. Your data may be subject to profiling, in order to implement a loyalty plan according to the customer’s commercial relationship and to provide offers that are appropriate to their preferences. You may at any time object to this type of communication by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address, and indicating “Unsubscribe from the distribution list”, in the subject line.

Likewise, you can exercise the right to access, rectify, suppression, opposition, portability and limitation, according to the terms established by REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 by presenting or sending an application in writing to the email address: and with a photocopy of your ID or similar documentation indicating the subject as “Data protection”.

CASES DE PRADES is especially sensitive to protecting the personal data of our users which has been obtained through the services offered on our Web. The present privacy policy informs all the users of, how the personal data collected from the through the additional information, in order that they decide, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the requested information.

Finally it is reported that CASES DE PRADES, has adopted in the information system the appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the stored data, thus avoiding its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access; taking into account the state of the art, the costs of application, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the treatment, as well as risks of probability and variable severity associated with each of the treatments.

We inform you that CASES DE PRADES may have a presence on social networks. The treatment of the data that is carried out of the people who become followers of the social networks (and/or carry out any link or connection action through social networks) of the official web pages of CASES DE PRADES will be governed for this section, as well as for those conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the appropriate social network in each case and are previously accepted by the user.

CASES DE PRADES will treat your data in order to correctly manage your presence on the social network, reporting activities, products or services of the company, as well as for any other purpose that the regulations of social networks allow.

The publication of content is prohibited:

  • That they are allegedly illegal under national, community or international regulations or that they carry out activities that are allegedly illegal or contravene the principles of good faith.
  • That violate the fundamental rights of people, lack of courtesy within the social network, annoy or may generate negative opinions from our users or third parties and in general any content that CASES DE PRADES considers inappropriate.
  • And in general, that contravene the principles of legality, honor, responsibility, protection of human dignity, protection of minors, protection of public order, protection of privacy, consumer protection and intellectual and industrial property rights.

Likewise, CASES DE PRADES reserves the right to withdraw, without prior notice, from the Website or the corporate social network those contents that are considered inappropriate. 

In any case, if you send personal information through social networks, CASES DE PRADES will be exempt from responsibility in relation to the security measures applicable in this Website and the user, if he knows them, should consult the corresponding particular conditions of the social network in question.

The person interested in the personal data may exercise his / her rights, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of personal data and guarantees of digital rights, which are:

A. – The right to access is to be exercised annually, except if the party interested shows legitimate accreditation.

CASES DE PRADES will proceed to notify its decisions within a timeframe of a month. If it were to be accepted, the interested party would be able to access the previously mentioned information within 10 days after its notification.

B. – The right of rectification and suppression can be exercised, conforming to the following previsions, whenever the interested party considers that the data collected in our files is inexact, incomplete, inadequate or excessive. If this is the case, you can exercise these rights via one of the means previously anticipated.
CASES DE PRADES will proceed with the rectification or cancellation within 10 days of receiving the application.

C. – The right of opposition may be exercised, in accordance with the following provisions, provided that the interested party wishes to oppose the processing of their personal data, whether or not the data is lawfully treated as being of legitimate interest or relative consent for advertising purposes.

D. – The right of portability they may be exercised, in accordance with the following provisions, provided that the interested party considers that the data collected in our treatments must be returned to the data holder or to another third party (Processor).

E. – The right of limitation of treatment may be exercised, prior to opposition right for the treatment of their data, and that until the Opposition Law is not resolved, the treatment of them will be limited.

CASES DE PRADES reserves the right to modify the present policy with the objective of adapting it to the legislative or precedents changes. Such changes will be communicated within the necessary time on our Web page, and it can ask the affected parties for their consent if it is believed that it does not have the consent according to the present policy.

If you should have any doubt, question or comments referring to the present regulations, please do not hesitate to ask about them by sending a communication to:

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